A Day in the Trenches: Life as an Oakmont Mechanical HVAC Technician

Rise and Shine: The Early Bird Gets the Cool Air

My day at Oakmont Mechanical starts bright and early at 6:30 AM. After a quick cup of coffee and a review of my schedule, I’m out the door by 7:00 AM, ready to tackle whatever HVAC challenges await me.

Morning Routine: Preventative Maintenance

8:00 AM – My first stop is usually a preventative maintenance call. Today, I’m at a local office building, performing a routine check-up on their central air system. This involves:

  • Inspecting and cleaning the condenser coils
  • Checking refrigerant levels
  • Lubricating moving parts
  • Ensuring proper thermostat function

These regular check-ups are crucial for maintaining system efficiency and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

Midday: Emergency Calls and Troubleshooting

After lunch, I often handle emergency calls. Today, a residential customer’s AC has completely shut down during a heatwave. Upon arrival, I quickly diagnose the issue: a faulty capacitor. With my well-stocked truck, I’m able to replace the part on the spot, restoring cool comfort to a very grateful family.

Afternoon: Installation Project

The latter part of my day is dedicated to a new system installation at a small business. Working with a team, we carefully remove the old unit and install a state-of-the-art, energy-efficient system. This process requires precision, teamwork, and a commitment to Oakmont Mechanical’s high standards of quality service.

Wrapping Up: Documentation and Preparation

Before heading home, I ensure all my service calls are properly documented. I also restock my truck and prepare for the next day’s challenges. It’s been a long day, but knowing I’ve helped maintain comfort and air quality for our customers makes it all worthwhile.

At Oakmont Mechanical, every day brings new challenges and opportunities to provide top-notch HVAC service. It’s a demanding job, but for those of us passionate about quality service and technical problem-solving, it’s incredibly rewarding.